Professor Erick Eschker, Director
Nick Salgado-Stanley, Assistant Editor
Isaiah Oliver, Assistant Analyst

New Research Projects:

The Humboldt Economic Index is produced by the Economics Department at Cal Poly Humboldt and provides the only monthly source of broad-based economic indicators for Humboldt County. Each month since January 1994 the Index has tracked six sectors of the Humboldt County economy (employment, energy consumption, home sales, lumber manufacturing, occupancy rates at hotels/motels/inns, and retail sales). We generate same-establishment data for lumber manufacturing, occupancy rates, and retail sales by tracking a sample of firms over time. We also generate data on the issuance of building permits, help-wanted ads in the Times-Standard, new claims for unemployment insurance, and orders for future lumber deliveries. The Index represents a unique collaborative effort involving participation and sponsorship from local businesses, state and county agencies, and non-government organizations.  The Index is published on the fifth day of each month.